Manage Your Money!

Hi u all. I just came back from a trip last couple of days and so yesterday is my 'Monday blues', I did blog walking to my fellow blogger friend IRL, . After reading her Feb 2019 expenses breakdown, it simply hit me (hard) on my expenses lately. I'd splurged on things that I want instead of what I need, spent hours on window shopping (online) and of course I shopped, overspent on my groceries because I really can't stand the temptation of food. And yeah, I'm guilty as charged (cry). From blog walking, I did IG walking to her personal finance IG ( ) and all of sudden I'm totally inspired ☺️ I downloaded money manager apps and try to keep record of my daily expenses. Currently at Day 2 hahahah (I hope I'll be consistent). Other than that, I also wanna be free from debts! I have mortgage loan, car loan, motorcycle loan and 1 credit card. Credit card is one of the bad debt and by end of this year, I target to el...